14 Mayıs 2014 Çarşamba

About The Author

Zeynep Çolakoğlu

Zeynep Colakoglu was born in the middle of nowhere from Anatolia in 1984. She accomplished Science High School, Chemical Engineering Degree (Ege University, Turkey) and Chemical Engineering Master’s Degree (Institute of Chemical Technologies, Prague, Czech Republic). She is working as a chemical engineer who is not able to desist from charming effect of hazardous chemicals on humanity; simultaneously she continues living her dark side by writing horror stories and many extreme projects including metal music and wine.

She has published an underground fanzine called Acedia Black Metal Magazine for 6 years by herself; prepared article series, horror stories and determined cover subjects for an extraordinary magazine called Karakalem Literary Magazine and wrote about musical reviews of rock/metal bands in Turkey’s one of the biggest music magazine called Yuxexes.

In 2013 Marjinal Kitaplar Publishing House released her book called “Buyulu Sozluk” (Dictionary the Enchanted)” as a survey deep into marginal subjects. The book made a tremendous impact on underground scenery where she meets metal music (mostly black metal) with its literary, mythological and philosophic origins while driving around sinister shores of demolonology. She took place with her dark essay in an anthology called “Kara Şiir Antolojisi” (Anthology of Dark Poetry)” by Zeplin Kitap Publishing House.

In 2014 she translated Niklas Kvarforth’s (Shining) book called “When Prozac No Longer Helps” into Turkish with author&poet Altay Oktem and on 19th April, the book under a name “Prozac Artık Yetmediğinde” is released by Marjinal Kitaplar publishing House with the presence of Niklas Kvarforth in Istanbul, Turkey.

In 2015, she won short story award with her horror story book called “Mina” at competition organized by Kursun Kalem Literary Magazine. Mina is released on April 2016.

She has been writing about music criticisms, reviews, and interviews on heavy metal music magazine called Headbang Magazine and literary articles, short stories on Kursun Kalem Literary Magazine. She is contributing to Filhakikat.net e-zine with her musical articles and interviews and Apelasyon.com e-zine with articles about degustation by meeting chemistry with wine.

Recently she has been organizing wine testing events called “Şarap, Korku and MİNA (Wine, Horror and MINA) that she matches her horror stories with wild grapes that audiences can hear the stories in theatral form and taste the wines mentioned in the book.

She dedicates herself to her art in gothic/romantic style where she likes to meet music with literature and keeps her demons awake by writing horror stories everlastingly.

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